quiboloys gun permit

“The Philippine National Police’s recent move to revoke Apollo Quiboloys gun permit has sparked controversy and raised questions about regulatory enforcement. Dive into the unfolding debate on firearm ownership and legal accountability.”

Key Points

  • PNP’s Decision: The PNP’s move to revoke Quiboloys gun permit signifies a significant development in the ongoing scrutiny surrounding his firearms possession. This decision highlights the importance of adherence to regulations governing firearm ownership, even for individuals of prominent stature.
  • Controversy: The decision has sparked controversy and raised questions about the circumstances leading to the permit’s revocation. Critics argue that the revocation reflects broader concerns about the enforcement of firearm regulations and the accountability of high-profile individuals.
  • Legal Implications: The revocation of Quiboloys gun permit underscores the legal consequences faced by individuals found in violation of firearm laws. This case serves as a reminder of the PNP’s commitment to upholding regulatory standards in firearm licensing.

PNP has cancelled the firearm license of Pastor Quiboloy

The Philippine National Police has announced the revocation of the gun permit of Apollo Quiboloy, a fugitive doomsday preacher. This decision was confirmed by PNP spokesperson Police Colonel Jean Fajardo during a press briefing on Friday.

According to Fajardo, PNP Chief Rommel Marbil has approved the recommendation to revoke Quiboloy’s license to own and possess firearms, which was previously recommended by the PNP’s Firearms and Explosives Office.

Why cancel Quiboloys gun permit?

The cancellation of Apollo Quiboloys gun permit by the Philippine National Police would be based on specific legal reasons outlined in the relevant laws and regulations governing firearms ownership in the Philippines, such as Republic Act No. 10591 (the Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act).

Without specific details about the circumstances leading to the cancellation of Quiboloys gun permit, it is challenging to provide a definitive reason. However, under RA 10591, common reasons for the cancellation or revocation of a firearms license could include:

  • Violation of Firearms Regulations: If Quiboloy was found to have violated any provisions of RA 10591 or related regulations, such as illegal possession or misuse of firearms, this could lead to the cancellation of his gun permit.
  • Failure to Meet Licensing Requirements: If Quiboloy no longer meets the qualifications necessary for firearm ownership, such as changes in mental or physical fitness, this could result in the cancellation of his firearms license.
  • Non-compliance with PNP Directives: Failure to comply with directives issued by the PNP related to firearm ownership and licensing could lead to the revocation of a gun permit.
  • Safety or Public Concerns: If there are safety concerns or public interest considerations involved, the PNP may take action to revoke a firearms license to mitigate potential risks.

It’s important to note that the cancellation of a gun permit involves a legal process and must adhere to the due process rights of the individual involved. Without official information or statements from the PNP regarding Quiboloys gun permit case, any specific reasons for the cancellation would be speculative.

Key Provisions of RA 10591

  • Licensing and Registration: The law establishes strict guidelines for the licensing and registration of firearms. It requires individuals to obtain a License to Own and Possess Firearms from the Philippine National Police before they can legally acquire and possess firearms.
  • Firearms Categories: RA 10591 classifies firearms into different categories based on their intended use and capabilities, such as civilian firearms, government-issued firearms, and military or law enforcement firearms.
  • Qualifications and Disqualifications: The law outlines specific qualifications that individuals must meet to be eligible for firearm ownership, including mental and physical fitness requirements. It also specifies disqualifications, such as criminal records or mental health issues, that prevent individuals from obtaining firearms licenses.
  • Storage and Transport: RA 10591 sets guidelines for the safe storage and transportation of firearms and ammunition to prevent misuse or accidents.
  • Penalties and Enforcement: The law imposes penalties for violations, including illegal possession, use, or trafficking of firearms and ammunition. It empowers law enforcement agencies to enforce the provisions of the law and conduct regular monitoring of firearms owners.
  • Amnesty Program: RA 10591 includes provisions for a firearm amnesty program, allowing individuals to voluntarily surrender unlicensed or illegally possessed firearms without facing criminal prosecution.

Public Response

Media Coverage: The PNP’s action has drawn widespread media attention, with various outlets analyzing the decision’s potential ramifications. The coverage has brought renewed focus to the broader debate on gun control and regulatory enforcement in the Philippines.

Community Impact: The revocation has resonated within both the religious and broader communities, eliciting diverse reactions regarding its significance and potential implications for public safety.

Supportive Views

Compliance with Regulations: Many individuals may support the PNP’s decision as a necessary measure to uphold and enforce firearms regulations uniformly, regardless of an individual’s status or influence.

Public Safety: Supporters of the cancellation may emphasize the importance of ensuring public safety by closely monitoring and regulating firearms ownership to prevent misuse or illegal possession.

Critical Perspectives

Political Motivations: Critics might question the timing and motivations behind the cancellation, raising concerns about potential political influences or biases affecting the decision.

Transparency and Due Process: Some individuals may call for transparency in the process leading to the cancellation, urging authorities to provide clear explanations and adhere to due process rights.

Community Feedback

The revocation of Apollo Quiboloys gun permit by the Philippine National Police has elicited a range of responses from the community, reflecting diverse perspectives and concerns:

  • Supportive Voices:
  • Concern for Public Safety: Many community members support the revocation, emphasizing the importance of upholding strict firearm regulations to enhance public safety and prevent misuse of weapons.
  • Emphasis on Accountability: Supporters of the decision applaud the PNP for holding individuals accountable regardless of their social status, viewing the revocation as a necessary step to reinforce legal compliance.
  • Critical Views:
  • Perceived Unfairness: Some individuals criticize the revocation as unjust or targeted, expressing concerns that it may be motivated by political factors rather than genuine regulatory concerns.
  • Community Trust: Critics worry that the revocation could undermine trust in law enforcement and regulatory agencies if perceived as biased or influenced by external pressures.
  • Mixed Reactions:
  • Debate on Timing and Motivations: The community is engaged in discussions about the timing and motivations behind the revocation, with differing opinions on whether it represents a genuine effort to enforce regulations or reflects other underlying factors.
  • Calls for Transparency: Many community members advocate for transparency in the decision-making process, urging authorities to provide clear explanations to address concerns and promote accountability.

Overall, the community feedback highlights the complex nature of the issue and underscores the importance of open dialogue and transparency in regulatory actions that impact public safety and community trust.

Pros and Cons of Revoking Quiboloys Gun Permit

  • Pros:
  • Enforcement of Regulations: The revocation demonstrates the PNP’s commitment to enforcing firearm regulations uniformly, emphasizing the importance of compliance with legal standards.
  • Public Safety: By addressing alleged irregularities in firearm licensing, this action aims to enhance public safety and accountability, promoting responsible gun ownership.
  • Legal Accountability: Holding high-profile individuals accountable for adhering to firearm laws sets a precedent for legal accountability regardless of social status.
  • Cons:
  • Controversy and Debate: The revocation has sparked controversy and debate, with critics questioning the timing and motivations behind the decision, raising concerns about potential biases or ulterior motives.
  • Impact on Community: Some supporters of Quiboloy may view the revocation as unjust or politically motivated, potentially impacting community sentiment and trust in law enforcement.


Supporters: “Revoking Quiboloys gun permit seems unfair and targeted. He has a right to defend himself like everyone else.”

Critics: “This action shows that no one is above the law. It’s a step in the right direction for ensuring accountability.”

These testimonials reflect the diverse opinions and reactions surrounding the revocation of Apollo Quiboloy’s gun permit, underscoring the complex nature of the issue and its broader implications within the community and beyond.


The revocation of Apollo Quiboloys gun permit by the Philippine National Police marks a critical moment in the ongoing discourse on firearm regulations and legal accountability. This decision has sparked public scrutiny and debate, highlighting the importance of enforcing stringent regulations regardless of an individual’s status or influence. As discussions continue, this case serves as a poignant reminder of the need for robust regulatory oversight to ensure public safety and uphold the integrity of firearm laws in the Philippines.

The PNP’s revocation of Apollo Quiboloys gun permit represents a pivotal moment in the ongoing discourse surrounding firearm regulations and legal accountability in the Philippines. This development underscores the need for continued diligence in enforcing laws governing firearm ownership and regulation.

This development has garnered significant media attention, stimulating debates and analyses on the efficacy of firearms regulations and the role of law enforcement in maintaining public safety. The public response reflects the diverse perspectives and concerns within Philippine society regarding firearms ownership, regulation, and the enforcement of legal standards.

Moving forward, the cancellation of Quiboloys gun permit serves as a catalyst for ongoing discussions and reforms aimed at strengthening firearms regulations, enhancing transparency in law enforcement practices, and fostering community trust in regulatory authorities. The outcome of this case highlights the importance of balanced approaches to firearms regulation that prioritize public safety while upholding individual rights and due process.


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